Business Training Academy
We offer exclusive onsite leadership and business management training to your staff.
We will customize your overall child care business to increase your profits.
Choose a specific training topic to meet the needs of your staff.
Pro Child Care Business & Leadership Training
Clients- Free
Non Clients- Reasonable Rates (call or email for rates)
Child Care Training Courses:
Business in Child Care- 4 CE Hours- Learn effective and professional
ways to run a child care business, enrolling in federal programs, dealing
with parents, staff scheduling, working under pressure, etc.
Leadership in Child Care- 4 CE Hours- Learn effective and professional ways to be a great communicator, role model, leader, time management, hiring, etc.
Teacher-Child Interaction- 3 CE Hours- Learn effective ways to communication with children on their level in a professional manner.
Role Playing & Fun.
Age-Appropriate Activities - 2 CE Hours- Understanding appropriate
toys, learning materials, and tools to help children learn at their own pace
and safety issues.
Room Arrangement in Child Care- 2 CE Hours- Learn how the arrangement of a room can help kids learn and capture their interest.
Safety in Child Care - 4 CE Hours- A hands-on class with a variety of information to help your staff, children, and parents feel safe during child
care hours.
Child Guidance & Discipline - 6 CE Hours- Learn effective ways to guide children and positive discipline techniques on all levels, legal issues, and referrals for families.
Poverty & It's impact on children's learning- 6 CE Hours- Learn how everyday living conditions of a child can affect a child's learning due to poverty.
Multicultural Activities in the Classroom- 3 CE Hours- We teach
teachers how to implement creative ideas into their everyday activities to
help kids learn about other cultural.
Using Music as Transitions in the Child Care- 2 CE Hours- Creative
Style of Transitions are learned to make transition fun, smoother, and
easy for children.
Child Nutrition - 2 CE Hours- Design to help child care programs and parents shop for healthy, fun, and nutritious foods for their programs
and home.
Complete Contact Form
AOC Business Academy also offer:
Online Training Courses
Business Training via Zoom
Certificate of Completion after completion of courses
Rates for Clients Only
$40 6-Hrs | $30 4-Hrs | $20 3-hrs | $15 2-Hrs
$100 Bestseller's Package
Choose Your Courses (Up to 30 clock hours per calendar year)
Email or Call to schedule your training:
(817) 713-5202 or aocorpkidz@gmail.com

Personnel, Policies, & Procedure Package
6-hour Training
This business training package is specifically designed to help small
businesses create company policies and procedures. How to hire a winning team, develop and conduct new staff orientation, and provide high performance training for your team. This is a intensive training that includes the following:
Help day care centers develop a powerful mission statement.
Create, revise, and/or review your company handbook policies.
Develop your company a business code of conduct.
Provide exclusive management & leadership training to your team to promote high quality services to your clients and families.
Develop a system that reward employees, enhance productivity and motivation, provide recognition where necessary, learning the art of promoting wellness, structure, cultural, teamwork, and so much more.

Kids Leadership Academy

ALL 2025 Summer Camps
Unique Programs will be provided at
the Kids Leadership Academy:
Kids Math Camp
Kids Reading Camp
Kids Leadership Skills
Kids Money Management
Kids Science Lab
Kids Engineering Lab
Kids Home Economics
Outdoor Fitness & Activities
Dance & Singing Lessons
Drama/Theater for Kids
Online Safety Tips